HMS Medical Billing Blogs

What is ABN in medical billing

What Is ABN In Medical Billing?

Have you ever received a question from a Medicare patient about an Advance Beneficiary Notice (ABN)? ABNs can be a source ...

Upcoding and Downcoding In Medical Billing

What Is Upcoding and Downcoding In Medical Billing?

Coding errors can be a costly headache for any healthcare provider. You've likely heard the terms "upcoding"...


A Deep Dive into HOPD vs. ASC Payment Disparities

The landscape of outpatient care offers patients a choice between hospital outpatient departments (HOPDs) and ambulatory s...


What is a Clinically Integrated Network & Why You ...

The old adage, "Two heads are better than one," rings especially true in healthcare. The healthcare landscape is...

HCC Coding

HCC Coding in the Age of Value-Based Care - What Y ...

The shift from fee-for-service to paying for quality outcomes is revolutionizing how you approach patient care and reimbur...

What Does a Clearing House Do During Claims Submission

How a Clearinghouse Facilitates Claims Submission ...

Healthcare providers handle a massive volume of claims every day, and a surprising number get denied due to errors. These ...

What is Sequestration In Medical Billing

What is Sequestration In Medical Billing - Is Seq ...

If you've ever received a medical bill, you may have noticed a small deduction marked "sequestration." This ...

Warning Signs Your Claims Might Be Underpaid

Warning Signs Your Claims Might Be Underpaid: A Gu ...

Your practice's financial stability relies on accurate and timely reimbursement. Underpaid claims chip away at your re...

J Codes In Medical Billing

What Is A J Code In Medical Billing - A Health Car ...

Do you ever feel like your medical billing system speaks a different language when it comes to injectable medications? Tho...

What is Third Party Medical Billing - Why You Need ...

Have you ever found yourself tangled in the web of billing complexities instead of focusing on what you do best—cari...

Insurance Claim Timely Filing

All You Need to Know About Timely Insurance Claim ...

Timely filing is a cornerstone in steering your healthcare practice toward efficient and prompt reimbursements. It's n...

Wound Care Billing and coding guidelines

Wound Care Billing and Coding Guidelines For Captu ...

Wound care is a crucial aspect of healthcare, as it involves treating and managing various types of wounds, such as cuts, ...

A guide to medical coding certification

A Guide to Medical Coding Certification and Career ...

Within the realm of healthcare administration, precision is paramount, and certified medical coders play a pivotal role in...

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What Does RVU Mean in Medical Billing & How Provid ...

Do you know healthcare providers' compensations are tied to a system of relative value units (RVUs)? If you aren't...

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Demystifying Health Insurance Eligibility Verifica ...

The insurance eligibility and verification process is pivotal inaccurate medical billing. As a health care provider, it is...